Civil Litigation
Access to lawyers in civil litigation is often expensive and restricted as a number of lawyers charge by the hour and dont give certainty as to their costs. Our team work wwith our clients to find the best option to manage risks.
Family provisions and Wills & estates
More than 50% of Australian Adults dont have a will. Without a will and proper financial planning there are significant risks including taxation, claims on your estate and poor distribution and leaving your family with a bad memories in a difficult time. Our team thinks of what is the best solution for each individuals needs and gives the best advice and suggestions to ensure that your wishes are followed. Contact us today to have a no obligation discussion abou the fu

Write your last will and testament
In todays society with a rise in mutiple previous marriages, children with different partners and homosexual and hetrosexual marraige, the complexity of writing a will has increased. There are simple ways to ensure that your loved ones are looked after. Our team is genuinely interested in helping you and your family rest easy knowing that they will be looked after. Contact our team directly so you can see the differen
Access to Justice
Our team is dedicated to make sure that every Australian has access to justice. We will listen and guide you where we can. A large number of Australians dont know their rights and we try to publish materials free of charge to assist everyday Australians so that they can claim their rights.